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Make travel blogging great again.

Triptale lets users document their journeys easily and enhance the experience of travel blogging by creating immersive tales

Triptale lets users document their journeys easily and enhance the experience of travel blogging by creating immersive tales

We love cherishing the travel tales even after the trip is over. 

What if we could document our whole trip in one place in a new and exciting way? The timeline, pictures, our thoughts, everything which we could even share with the world and tell our tale?

Triptale does just that! Your travel blogging companion which even works offline, lets you add friends and create tales together. Create, share and unzip your backpack of memories, because what worth is travelling if we can't relive the experience again!

For Influencers

Travels frequently

Clicks a lot of pictures

High social media presence

Would like to document whole trip

But that shouldn’t be distracting

For Avid Travellers

Travels for subliminal experience

Documents through a diary probably

Likes to keep the memories to oneself

Would like to document the experience in a meaningful way

Focus Group

Information Architecture

Visual Design

Travelling is not the same for all individuals. Some seek subliminal experience and for some it could be the leisure activities. One thing remains constant though - the memories of the trip forever etched in the mind & heart of the traveller. Revisiting these tales and opening the backpack of memories is exactly the idea behind Triptale's brand identity.


(travel companion)

(abstract for memories)


Splash screen

Begin with your compelling travel tales with Triptale and fill your backpack with memories

Empowering travellers one trip at a time!

From real-time collaborative blogging to easy photos sharing, Triptale offers multiple features to ease your travel documentation. We believe it's much important to be immersed in travel experience and not in one's cellphone. So leave the task up for Triptale and you can continue being mesmerised over the ice-capped mountains.

Experience easy documentation

Travel along with your friends and collectively create tales without much effort. Add snaps, write stories while Triptale tracks your trail by GPS mapping which works without internet too. No more of that “Can you please share those pictures bro?”

A close-knit travel community

Easily create and manage your exciting tales on the go! Share it with the Triptale community, your friends or you can just keep it private.

Where's your backpack at?

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